Right person, right seat
The growth & devlopment process that has seen unparalleled results.
We put an emphasis on our robust vetting, on-boarding, and training process to build elite teams of creators across the country. This ensures the highest quality work and experience, no matter which part of the country you’re working with us in.
Application Submission & Review
Every application that is submitted receives multiple sets of eyes from our recruitment team. What are we initially checking for? It’s simple, we look at portfolio, professional background & experience, general look at core value alignment, and the creators ability to professionally communicate. This crucial first step eliminates over 50% of all applicants.
Core Alignment
The Core Alignment phase allows us to take a deeper dive into the applicants values, short & long term goals, and strengths & weaknesses. The better we can understand their underlying motivation and passion which drives each creative will help us place them in the correct seat within the organization.
Creative Screening
The creative screening phase is the most exciting stages of our process (outside of actually receiving a hiring offer of course!). It is in this phase that we put the applicants creative capacities to the test and the applicant has a chance to really flex their creative !
One-On-One Screening
If an applicant makes it to this phase, it means they have already gone through a rigorous screening process. The one-on-one phase is where every step of the application process culminates into one final conversation. We take a deep dive into all of the screening parameters listed in phases 1-3 and ensure everything checks off and the creative is truly a good fit in all aspects.
Natural Instincts
In the final step of our application process, we test on the creator’s conative part of the mind and how they naturally take action if they are free to be themselves in a professional work environment.
Once the offer has been sent and accepted, the creator is officially a part of the Lens Media House team – but the preparation has only begun! Before the creator ever takes on any type of project, they first go through our proprietary, 3-stage On-Boarding & training process to ensure they are fully prepared to tell YOUR story better.